So I've finally taken the first step, posted some art and got scouted. I've literally spent years just drawing for myself so to finally be opening up was tough. I'm glad though and this community has been awesome. I've met so many new people and it's really what I needed after 2020. A lot of you have lots of knowledge to be shared and I plan to use that in an upcoming art thread to discuss and critique. I'm glad I chose Newgrounds as my starting point.
In other news I'm finally taking the step to learn proper digital painting! I'm gonna use this fucking awesome thread. I have other personal resources like my collection of books to refer to as well, though I must admit I've neglected the ones on painting >.< I'll be working on full scenes from now on too, backgrounds and all. Clip Studio's perspective rulers do a lot of the heavy lifting to making the process easier. I'll probably be posting 2-3 pieces a month and if I have time I'll throw in some smaller stuff too.